Monday, May 25, 2009

Lessons Forgotten

Yesterday during church service I remembered something we learned during JS.
At home, I find it difficult to focus on God, even remembering that God exist is also difficult for me. But at church it is totally different. I can think of a few reasons for this.
Firstly is the surroundings. At church, everything is about God, from the start of the service to the end. I call this the "Influence Reason". I know it's a lame name.
Secondly is what we learned at JS, is that the powers of Satan differs geographically(is that the right term?). Right beside my residential area(or taman, which is only a street with 20 houses) and not more than 100 m or so from my house is a Buddhist temple. Yeah. And behind my area is a river, and across it not far about 1 or 2 km is a Hindu temple. And in a 10 km radius there are (as far as I know) two Mosques and another Hindu temple. Cool right? Strongholds... Well, the church is dedicated to God, so the power of Satan in the church will a significantly less. That's what I learned.
Well, Form 6 is not bad, for now. Visit my blog for more crap talk.
Time is of the essence. I'm going to waste my time on useless things again. Bye for now.


  1. Hmm... The tagline might be revised 'Lessons remembered' now. Hehehe.

    Wasting time on useless things??? tsk, tsk, tsk... (ok, i'm jealous because i'm so busy i don't even have time to breathe, almost literally)

  2. I think it's mainly distraction I call it. At home you have computer, tv, mp3, cd, handphone, etc. Whereas you go to church to worship God. You don't have computer, (or u don't 'play' it there)tv and u r not supposed to use handphone during worship. And everybody worship God together. As you said it's the surrounding. So you can feel the difference.
