Saturday, March 7, 2009

What will YOU do?

When the place seems a little messy,
What will you do?
When your youth is a little short-handed in their activities,
What will you do?
When someone is desperately reaching out, searching for someone to open-up to,
What will you do?
When someone needs affirmation and encouragement, or is just in need of companionship,
What will you do?

When the society around you is becoming increasingly morally deficient,
What will you do?
When you see rubbish thrown all over the place in your local taman,
What will you do?
When enviromental issues are critical,
What will you do?
When you hear the song "People need the Lord",
What will you do?

When you see corrupt practices going on around you,
What will you do?
When you are tempted to fall and sin due to peer pressure,
What will you do?
When you see the world becoming twisted, corrupt, evil and perverted,
What will you do?
When you see people lost in bondage of sin and idolatry,
What will you do?

It's not about ourselves,
It's not about becoming heroes and heroines;
It's about who we are,
It's about how we can be a little beacon for the Lord's glory.

Just a little, just a step;
Just being practical,
Just a friendly reminder;
Just fulfilling Christmunity.



Just a random something I came out with after watching yesterday's news. See, even news can be inspiring. heheh.

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